How Affiliate Marketing works

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
Would have to know Khan is an Affiliate Marketing and certainly jg we want to know how this business work on the internet so that we can make a profit. In the online business of all affiliate marketers make sales through the 'special link' or known by the term 'affiliate link'. Affiliate links are provided by the affiliate merchant (owner of the goods / services)

Take the example of a product online that will be sold. Then we see these sites offer affiliate programs. Having studied their proved willing to give us a commission sebasar 30% for each sale we generate.

Then later we enroll in the affiliate program by filling out the form provided. Usually the merchant will ask kt for entering data such as name, complete address, recipient's name 'Check' (for commissions), email, phone number, etc.. We jg will be asked to read 'affiliate agreement'.

Affiliate agreement is a legal document that binds us to the affiliate merchant (Ps: should be read and understood). Usual contents express agreement to the terms and conditions determined by the affiliate merchant, such as the example should not send email spam (in this case to send unsolicited email by the owner of the email). Affiliate agreement is important because if we are violating the terms and conditions have been described prev reply, affiliate merchant can cancel the payment or even issue kt from their affiliate programs.

Then after we are willing to abide by agreed rules, affiliate merchants will provide us a 'special link' or the call also with itilah 'affiliate link' for us. Our next task is to promote the affiliate link. We take the example of putting the link on the website / blog we or can jg via 'email signatures'. yaaa surely hope there visitors / clicks on our blog and buy products / services that we marketed.

Examples of merchant affiliate companies:,,, and much more.

Source reference:,

So in this case as an affiliate marketer we just set up a special link on the blog / website that has kt affiliete provided by merchants, and if a user clicks on the link and they buy the products / services offered, then kt will earn a commission in accordance with the agreement of the we agreed from the affiliate merchant.


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